Dear All,
The details for the Video Competition are as such.
Deadline: 30 Sep 2012
Eligibility: All scouts
1. The theme of the video is “Scouting is Fun”.
2. The video should not be more than 5 minutes.
3. The completed video must be submitted in a disc (CD or DVD).
4. Submit as many entries but each entry must be accompanied with an ‘Entry Form’.
5. Preferably the format should be submitted in MP4.
6. The closing date is 30
September 2012.
7. Prizes: First Prize - $150, Second Prize - $100, and Third Prize - $50.
8. Winners are required to allow The Singapore Scout Association the rights to use their
videos for promoting Scouting.
9. The Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
10. All participants must be a registered member.
11. All entries must be supported by the Unit Leader i/c.
Please participate actively in this. Please let Rong Xian know of your groups.
Marcus Tan
Oneida Scout Group