Friday, March 27, 2009


Dear Brothers,

These are some achievements that your leaders have attained:

ASL Jared Sim aka White Shield:
1. National Youth Achievement Award Silver

AGSL Justin Ng aka Wisdom Keeper:
1. National Youth Achievement Award Silver
2. Edusave Merit Bursary Award and EAGLES Award
3. PUB's Volunteer Trainer (

3 cheers EVERONE!!!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Term 2 Activities

Hello Brothers;

To celebrate our hard work for jobweek and finally becoming the only uniformed group who is self sufficient without the need to ask for money from our school, we have organised some "Fun" activities in term 2 for you to look forward to.

I will be planning out the sports proficiency badge for term 2 for all scouts who want to participate. The badge requires partcipation in 2 sports and a competition in both sports in order to qualify for the badge.

Therefore we will be having an Inter-Patrol Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer Tournament immediately after the Mid-Year Exams.

We can use our fridays to train and prepare for the tournament.

Wednesdays are reserved for studying. If you would like to participate, please bring along your maths and science assessment books and textbooks, the leaders and myself will make ourselves available to teach you gentlemen.

After our own unit tournament we will invite the district scout schools to participate when our ventures finish planning for it.

I have included some videos on ultimate frisbee competitions for you to get motivated with...

Remember we train for all the competitions because we live by our promise to do our best and we do it with pride!!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Updates on Job Week Badge 2009

Dear Brothers,

I'm pleased to inform you that we have once again set a NEW Record of Earnings since 1999. (Previous highest record: $12,600 in 2004)

Therefore, to encourage more of you and as a reward for those who have done well, the Green Bumble Bee will be given to those who earned more than $200.

GOLD Bumble Bee Badge:
1. Marcus Tan - $720.20
2. Sue Ren Hao - $571.65
3. Wes-ley Tan - $561.60

SILVER Bumble Bee Badge:
1. Jeremy Kwan - $500.65
2. Ismail Hassan - $486.15
3. Martin Lim - $465.30
4. Selwin Sim - $458.95
5. Muhammad Haziq - $452.10

BRONZE Bumble Bee Badge:
1. Alexis Teng - $374.00
2. Giggson Tan - $350.00

GREEN Bumble Bee Badge:
1. Tan Jun Ann - $337.75
2. Marvin Chew - $317.00
3. Ho Shu Han - $310.20
4. Ang Horzett - $307.00
5. Darien Lee - $305.00
6. Ganash - $304.25
7. Jasper Lee - $287.00
8. Thomas Mak - $284.50
9. Brandon Lim - $271.90
10. Gabriel Tan - $269.00
11. Samuel Ng - $248
12. Daryl James - $247.85
13. Shawn Tan - $244.05
14. Shalihan - $230.00
15. Kerwyn - $225.00
16. Kai Feng - $212.20

Of course, not forgetting our dearest ventures hard work:

1. Hulbert Teng - $600
2. Chin Sze Ying - $572.80
3. Jasper Sim - $556.00

Kudos to all for your hard work! Lets look forward to our next meeting and activities!

Yours in Scouting
Wisdom Keeper

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Dear Fellow Brothers,

Our previous Assistant Group Scout Leader, Mr. Neu Wee Teck is on Straits Times (ST/Home/28 Feb 2009)!!

Lets look forward to see him soon!

Last but not least, 3 CHEERS for him!!

Yours in Scouting
Wisdom Keeper